Sleep: it’s Not a Luxury Are You Waking Up Feeling Refreshed? Staring at the ceiling at 2:30 am, unable to sleep, is usually low on people’s list of favourite pastimes. Affecting anyone at any age, insomnia (difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep) and/or waking unrefreshed can be some people’s reality. Research shows that adults who…

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Excess Weight? Shake It Off! As winter winds down, your thoughts may be turning to how you can get fit and improve your body composition for the warmer months ahead. This year, rather than turn to yet another ‘quick fix’ diet that promises you’ll fit into your bikini within the month but feels impossible to…

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Are You at Risk of Osteoporosis? You probably make sure that your children are receiving their daily recommended amount of calcium… But what about you?  Article from Mums have got the message about how to build healthy bones in their kids, but have they forgotten about themselves? Here are the scary facts: half of all Australian…

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Winter Wellness: Build Your Armoury It may be the hardest time of the year to fend off colds and flus, but our Naturopath, Renae, shares her top tips for Winter Wellness! Now is the time to build your natural medicine armoury in preparation for cold and flu season. There are some wonderful herbs, minerals and…

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How and Why We Feel Pain In order to understand the “pain stuff”, you first need to know that your brain is an amazingly clever organ… By Dr Claire Richardson – Osteopath Warning: This blog involves some neuroscience. You might even change your own brain while reading it. Intrigued? Read on! The topic of neuroplasticity…

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The Pelvic Floor The “pelvic floor” refers to a group of muscles that attach to the front, back and sides of the pelvic bone and sacrum (the large fused bone at the bottom of your spine, just above the tailbone). Like a sling or hammock, these muscles support the organs in the pelvis, including the…

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Improve Your Posture Good posture is vital for optimal functioning of your body. Find out how to better your posture! Did you know that 80% of Australians will experience back pain in their lifetime? Poor posture can cause a range of problems, including back pain, reduced circulation, joint degeneration, spinal problems, and rounded shoulders. The…

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Sunwarrior Protein Rice Crispy Snack Recipe Boost your protein intake with this delicious recipe! Sunwarrior’s plant-based (brown rice) protein is packed full of superfoods, and designed to support those wishing to build muscle, lose fat, and increase athletic performance – or those looking to incorporate more plant-based protein to their daily diet. Available in both…

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Hamstring Injuries Hamstring strains happen when any of your hamstrings muscles or its tendons are either stretched beyond the point they can withstand, or torn when substantial stretching of the muscle occurs. Hamstring strains are fairly common in sports activities requiring the athlete to forcefully run or jump. A hamstring strain is also called a…

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Why Detox? Our Naturopathic Detox Programs Detoxification is a natural process whereby toxins from our environments and diets are transformed into less harmful substances for excretion. In reducing the burden on the body’s detoxification system and supporting the key detox organs’ capacities, a professional detox program addresses dietary and lifestyle factors in order to promote…

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